Flooring Solutions

Hi-Floor Solutions from The Product Solutions

Flint Hi Floor Screen

The secret of the resistance of HI-FLOOR flooring is its HPB (High Pressure Block) technology. This pressure process consists in subjecting the board's core, made of cellulose fibers impregnated with thermos setting phenolic resins, to a 1.000 TN/m² at 150ºC temperature.

The result is an ultra-compact block, totally resistant to water, impact, fire, pressure and wear resistance. In fact, it maintains its original appearance even in extreme situations, in areas where the rest of laminate floors in the market can not be used with guarantees.

The strictest tests ensure that FLINT products are the most resistant in the market. This strength not only makes them the best partners for high traffic areas and spaces exposed to an extensive use, but also for wet areas and, of course, for domestic use.

HI-FLOOR's are always waterproof. HPB technology guarantees its maximum dimensional stability. preventing swelling and deformation due to the continued exposure to moisture and even leaks.

Flint Hi Floor Tech Specs